GROW is a joint research program in offshore wind that initiates research and accelerates innovations. GROW's strength lies in its ability to run focused, sequential and complementary RD&D activities.
The consortium includes around 20 leading and committed partners that cooperate closely to conduct joint research. GROW partners work together to reduce the costs of offshore wind and to increase the value of wind energy in the energy system and the ecosystem. Furthermore, GROW creates the visibility of the projects and the partners involved by showing the innovative capacity of the Dutch offshore wind sector. GROW also represents the interest of its partners related to R&D policies and measures in offshore wind, and stimulates co-operation with small and medium enterprises and higher education.
GROW stands for:
Implementation of a joint research program
Accelerating the development of innovations
Initiating follow-up activities at an early stage
Developing new cooperation opportunities
Representing the interest of the GROW partners
Promoting cooperation on topics of common interest
Short lines of communication, trust and exchange of experience and knowledge are all significant contributions to the success of GROW.
About this organisation
GROW is a joint research program in offshore wind that initiates research and accelerates innovations. GROW's strength lies in its ability to run focused, sequential and complementary RD&D activities.
Visit address:
Arthur van Schendelstraat 600 (3rd floor)
3511 MJ Utrecht
Postal address:
PO Box 24100
3502 MC Utrecht
The Netherlands