Site Surveys and Investigations

To assess the feasibility of an offshore wind project a number of site investigations are required. Producing a package of high quality site surveys helps reduce risk and ensure optimal design once the development stage begins.

Commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (, a range of Dutch offshore wind experts - companies and research organisations - have been involved in producing site surveys for planned offshore wind farms in the Netherlands. These are then subject to rigorous quality certification. The final comprehensive package of site data is then made available to potential developers to use to optimise their wind farm designs.

Read more here for further information.

The Dutch Approach

With expertise in each field of study required, as well as skill in bringing individual elements together as one strong package to help optimise design and reduce risk, the Netherlands can help replicate that success elsewhere to make wind and water work cost-effectively for others.

Get in touch with us!

Are you interested to learn more about the Dutch Approach? Feel free to contact us and we are happy to tell you more!