Netherlands Energy Technology Platform (NETP)

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the diplomatic networks in >20 countries such as Brazil, USA, Germany and China teamed up with to launch an online technology platform aimed at promoting Dutch technological solutions to accelerate the Energy transition.

The Netherlands Energy Technology Platform thrives to help end-users abroad to find available Dutch technology for the ‘Energy transition’ and helps promising Dutch suppliers across all facets of the energy sector to create international awareness, as well as, connect with potential clients abroad.

The platform also serves as a practical tool for diplomats and is used in diplomatic activities, such as trade missions by the RVO. Technology suppliers can add their technologies for FREE. If you are a company that has a solution and want to add it to the Netherlands Energy Technology Platform or other relevant partner platforms, visit

Interested to learn more about NETP? Watch our video here


Service Provider
Support Organisation
Equipment, Tooling & Consumables
Support Services
All project phases
Technology Services
Business Development
International trade
Information Technology & Services
Computing & Information Technology
Partner wind & water works 2023

About this company

A Technology platform for the Energy Transition


Saturnusstraat 95
2516 AG Den Haag
The Netherlands